FixAnalytics focuses on delivering advanced analytics models, through a web-based interface or on-demand application, we call this MaaS.
Connect to FixPartnersOur service includes a platform that meets all your company's reporting needs in 1 place.
Workflow of a MaaS-type model.
FixAnalytics builds bridges to access all your data sources using your applications' APIs and connectors.
Sales Force Incentives Plan, to leverage the impact of sales force incentive program. Sales Force and OH Sizing, to reduce overhead sizing. Sales Force Productivity, to boost sales per sales rep. Sales Force Turnover, to decline top rep sales attrition. Sales Demand Forecasting, to project sales by product, segment and distribution channel.
Supply Chain, to enhance end-to-end supply chain system. Logistic, to reduce logistic cost. Inventories, to reduce inventories assets.
Cash Flows, To optimize operational cash flows by Working Capital Ratio (WCR) and Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC). Marketing Campaigns, to gain new clients by defining ket elements of marketing efforts. Credit & Default Risks, to reduce firm risk exposure to client's default.
Employee Engagement, To amplify employee loyalty and satisfaction. Employee Turnover, To help predicts future workload and reduces employee churn. Team Capabilities, To identify core competencies of workforce. Organizational Culture, to assess and to understand better the culture at your workplace.
Digital Marketing, To optimize online digital marketing investment. Channel Distribution, To develop efficient channel mix. Segmentation, To define the right cluster of clients to target. Pricing, To elaborate the adequate pricing strategy to each customer segments. New Product Development, To increase success probability for new products. Customer Insights, to understand customer needs and wishes.
HealthCare, Retail, Mining, Banking, Financial, Services, Customer Goods, Telcom,, Educational.